So there you have it my friends, I fell off the wagon of clean eating and I ate anything and everything I wanted. I ate with little guilt and I absolutely did not practice moderation. It was actually fun. Did I mention how good that Dirt was? Oh, and Sunday evening I ate Paella and had three glasses of wine.
Yes I am a trainer. Yes I do know that I consumed more than 3000 extra calories a day. (Oooh, that sounds really bad when written down.) I am quite aware of the fact that I probably ate more calories this weekend than I consumed the entire week. Why did I completely overindulge and sabotage a whole week of clean eating? Because I wanted to. My boyfriend's family sure does know how to cook and eat. And it was so good. I'm sure I have said that before. But really, it was.
So what do I do now since I have completely fallen off the wagon? Well my friends, it's Monday. I have to hop right back on. Easier said than done, yes of course, however being the fitness professional that I am I do know that one weekend like this once in a while will not kill me, nor will it destroy everything I have been working for. It has made me extremely tired today though. I feel fat, heavy, and weighed down. I don't have any energy. And my skin feels yucky. So this is the price I pay for enjoying myself this weekend and discovering the sinful pleasures of a new dessert called Dirt. ( The name should be it's own warning.) Imagine if I ate like this all of the time? Think about it. If I feel terrible just after one weekend of thoughtless eating how would I feel if I ate like that most of the time? I know you know the answer to this.
So today I blocked out at least one hour a day this week for a workout combining both cardio and weights. I will drink more than eight glasses of water in order to flush my system out. I also will consume high fiber foods at every meal. I will do my best to limit the sugar and salt this week. And desserts will not even be in my vocabulary for a whole week. (Again, I just cannot lie.)
We have all overindulged at some point in our lives.(I just happen to be a little more open about it than others.) There will be weeks when you just have no desire to eat well. Parties will side track the progress you have been seeing from a consistent exercise game plan. Travel will make it virtually impossible to eat clean. And your mate's family will cook an amazing dinner for you that will not be nutritiously nurturing. This is life folks! Rather than hang our heads low, beat ourselves up, and be suppressed by food guilt, get yourself to the gym and prepare a whole week of nutritiously clean meals. Hold yourself accountable until you begin feeling good again and then remember how you feel when you do fall off the wagon. When you eat clean, you feel alive. You are energetic and filled with spunk. When you eat badly, you feel like crap. You are tired and lethargic. You are what you eat.
I will leave you with one more thing. My boyfriend asked me yesterday if all of the extra calories were worth it. Instead of answering him, I fell into a daydreaming stupor.......Oreo cookies, cream cheese, cool whip, vanilla pudding, oh my!
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