1. Move to lose: Taking your body to the next level requires physical activity. Commit to at least 4-6 45-60 minute workouts a week.
2. Do something you enjoy: If you do not like it, you will not do it! Choose an activity that gets you sweating with a smile, whether it's lifting weights, taking a Group Fitness class, playing a game of tennis or golf, running around the lake, or getting your Yogi on. You will lose weight if you enjoy your exercise.
3. Define what fitness means to you: Not all of us will have a 6 pack and be able to run a sub 3 hour marathon. But we are all athletes! "Run your own race" and define fitness according to your own personal interpretation. Comparing yourself to others does not set you up for success. Success is personal. What does fitness mean to you?
4. Fuel to move: The food that you consume will soon be the energy that you use to workout and perform your daily tasks. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. If you start the day off with no fuel or a plate of fat and grease, you will feel lethargic and therefor you will also lose the motivation to MOVE. Do your body good and give it the nutrients it needs to be productive.
"What can your body do" workout
1 pair of light dumbbells 5-8lbs
1 pair of heavy dumbbells 10-20lbs
Stability Ball
Treadmill, Stairmaster, or set of stairs
Stopwatch or Timer
Warm up: 4xs
15 Body Squats
30 seconds of jogging in place
Circuit 1: 3xs, 12 reps
Light Dumbbells - 1st set
Heavy Dumbbells - 2nd and 3rd set
Squat and Press: Click here for demo
Plank and Row: Click here for demo
Front and Back lunge with a bicep curl: Click here for demo
3 minutes Cardio on chosen piece of equipment at 70-80% max effort
Circuit 2: 3xs, 12 reps
Heavy Dumbbells
Chest Press and Crunch on Stability Ball: Click here for demo
High Row on Stability Ball: Click here for demo
Plank with rotational knee tuck on Ball: Click here for demo
3 minutes of Cardio on chosen piece of equipment at 80% max effort
5 min cool down
1. Use a weight that challenges your body at 90% when you hit the 12th rep
2. Form is fundamental: once you lose form, drop to a lower weight and take a few moments to recover
3. Begin by doing 1-2 sets of each circuit and then progress to 3 when your body is ready.
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