Fitness with a Purpose: What can your body do?
Personal Training openings:
THIS WEEK: 7th - 10th
Wednesday - 9am, 10am, 1-3pm
Thursday - 12 - 3pm
Friday - 8am, 9am
NEXT WEEK: 13th - 17th
Monday - 8am - 11am
Tuesday - 8am, 11am, 12pm
Wednesday - 6am, 8am-3pm
Friday - 8am - 10am, 12pm - 3pm
Do you need a fun kick in the booty? Looking for a jump start with your fitness game plan this fall? Let's get together and create the change you desire!
Hello my friends! Can you believe it is September already? Time has literally flown by...my hair is a mess! Do you feel like you are a few steps behind as well? I know it's not just me. Haven't you felt just a bit out of sync lately? Have you noticed that most people around you are struggling to find continuity in their steps? Yes, life's pace has increased and it just seems like the demands of work and relationships are ten fold. I find myself having to sit down a little more often to catch my breath. Does this sound familiar?
This summer I have been nursing two injuries - shoulder and hip - and I have also began treatment for skin cancer on my lips once again. At least this time I absolutely know what to expect so waking up with my lips stuck together is now just part of the treatment and I have mastered the ice cube method to relieve the burning that the medicine causes.
Exercising and sunbathing use to be my go to methods to alleviate the stresses of life and to soothe my soul. I miss running so much. Running use to be my church. I could lace up my Nikes, press play on my Ipod, and go out on the streets of Austin and find myself amidst the pressures of work, love, and parental guidance. I usually felt better after a run; at least I would work through all of the STUFF that was in my head...now it's just a bit messy up there, unsorted, and quite cluttered. Sunbathing did the same thing, but without the huffing and puffing! There's nothing like a fashion magazine, an iced coffee, girlie music, and a spot by the water to bring me back to a state of harmonic bliss. And we all look better tan, it's just a fact.
However, now running and sunbathing are out of the picture - sunbathing, obviously forever - and I have found myself this summer unable to eliminate stress efficiently. I actually have felt a bit loss, unable to catch time when it is zooming by me, and since my mind has been out of sync, everything else feels unsteady as well. I'm not afraid nor ashamed to admit I go to therapy. In my opinion, I believe everyone needs a neutral environment to express themselves in. I love my therapist. Not only do I feel 100% better after I leave her comfy green couch, but she provides chocolate....enough said on that one.
I am learning life skills in therapy! Yes, life skills. It's not just a one hour session of venting and complaining and crying. For me it's an opportunity to educate myself on how to maneuver through all of the sticky places in life. Rather than getting stuck in those uncomfortable moods that can ruin your day, week, or even month I am learning the necessary tools to change my perspective. Perspective is merely what we chose to make important. However, perspective determines our outlook on life. When feeling a bit down in the dumps, your perspective will either get you out of the hole or push you further into it. I loathe that murky, muddy, dark and cold place we all can find ourselves in at one time or another. We can be very unproductive in this state of mind, and in my experience it can be quite easy to pull other people down into the hole as well if you are projecting your misery out into the world.
Just like a bad mood, a good mood can be infectious! A positive perspective, even amidst not so good circumstances, can truly help you continue moving forward in life. Hence, the need for life skill therapy. Last week I wanted my mom and my teddy bear. Unfortunately, neither one were accessible. So I sat on the green couch, ate chocolate, and learned some practical skills to alter my perspective.
1. Identify your personal needs and wants in life
2. Do not be ashamed of your personal needs and wants
3. Ask yourself if your personal needs and wants are being met
4. Determine what aspects of your life are not fulfilling your needs and wants
Needs and wants. Simple, yet I am sure I am not the only one who neglects these. Or maybe you have never sat down and thought about this! I know I haven't in a very long time. I would normally run or sunbathe to decrease the stresses of life or escape from the murkiness of mind clutter. But since those are not an option, I have needed to look for other ways to find harmonic bliss. So I have discovered aqua jogging and spa manicures and pedicures! Low impact and relatively void of harmful sun rays. Talk about a perspective change.
Isn't our perspective influenced by whether our needs and wants are being fulfilled? Think about it. Find yourself a green couch and some chocolate. Do this without shame and learn the necessary life skills to navigate through rough waters.
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