I am a fitness junkie, a sneaker connoisseur, a lover of anything pink, a daily you tube user, and a certified personal trainer and group x instructor. It is my mission to show each client, gym member and class participant just what their bodies can do. My fitness philosophy is focused around "What can your body do?", changing the focus from what we look like to how our bodies perform and function. The Fitness with a Purpose Newsletter and Blog is a place where you can find tips, tools, and tactics on how to make fitness a lifestyle and maximize each workout and meal to enable you to become as fit and healthy as possible. This is also a place where I share my personal experiences with my own fitness and quest to see just what my body can do when I set a goal and do what ever is possible to achieve that goal. Consistent action produces consistent results!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Be a consistent fighter

"Rowing harder doesn't help if the boat is heading in the wrong direction."

Kenichi Ohmae

At the start of the new year I was on fire. The injuries that I had battled all 2010 with were now minor issues that I was beginning to physically overcome. My PT released me to most activities, my feet hit the trail again for intervals of running, and I actually woke up the next day after teaching my classes sore. My client roster filled up and each class I did teach I was packing them with more than 30 eager participants. My well thought out To Do list for 2011 that I conveniently placed on my Blackberry contained several checked off items that were hanging over my head in 2010. The word document that contained dreams and goals for 2011 began to become a life of it's own and my will to make this year the "I'm going to change the face of fitness" year filled my soul and allowed me to jump out of bed each morning at 4am like a college cheerleader making her debut at UT Stadium. Like I said, I was on fire! One foot in front of the other I was making it happen, paving the road to my personal success without barriers and that horrible thought process that contains fear, reluctance, and the words I can't.

Then last Thursday I began to feel like something was stuck in my tummy, a bulbous protrusion that I kept on getting my friends to touch right below my sternum and their faces said it all. Something was not right with me. I was unable to eat or drink for days...and if you know me this is virtually impossible to imagine. But it was true! On Sunday a trip to a clinic left me with a diagnosis of indigestion, a few antacids, tears, and now the mashed sweet potatoes and apple sauce that I had found refuge in were now unable to be swallowed. Monday I went to work but left half way through a session calling a friend to take me to the ER. Before you know it - and this was one of the scariest moments of my life - I was being put to sleep for Gall Bladder surgery. I had no idea it was diseased. I'm not over 40, nor overweight, and I do not consume a diet high in fat. (We'll ignore my peanut butter obsession, ssshh.) However, apparently the upset tummy that I have been dealing with for a few months - I limited dairy and beans to help relieve this - was the early sign of gall bladder failure. I lied there alone before surgery thinking. It seems like the only thing you can do in hospitals is think. I ran over the tapes of the past few weeks and began to get angry. I'm just getting off the injured list and clients are just getting into the groove. Ahhhhhhhh! Why me? Why? Ugh!

When I woke up from surgery, let's just say humbled would be an understatement. I hurt so bad and the days to follow became a test of not only physical strength and determination, but also mental endurance. I am use to squatting, lunging, jumping, shouting, eating, and smiling. The only thing I could do was lay down on my back, watch really bad television, and sip broth. It 's been such a struggle to take a breath - literally and figuratively - as well as know that this too shall pass and in a few weeks I will be back to normal. Time can tick by so slowly!

Today I do feel a little wind beneath my wings. I can sit up without back pain or my abs screaming at me. I managed to get a 1/2 cup of oatmeal down and I'm actually looking forward to running some errands later this afternoon. I may be able to have a broth-less lunch. Solid food will be a treat. This is beginning to get a bit long winded. Good to know I haven't loss my skills in story telling. I have had a lot of time to think. The one pressing issue on my mind these pass few days has been Consistency. What I find amusing is it's only two weeks into the new year and my quest to constantly move forward and do one thing a day that gets me closer to my big audacious dear to dream big ginormous goal has been interrupted. I am the girl interrupted. We all become interrupted at several stages of our lives. It's outright frustrating and annoying and I still pull my hair out trying to understand why when I finally get moving in the right direction do I run into a road block that leads me places that I hadn't planned to visit. Ugh! And then there's that calming, yet I told you so voice of my father that instills a bit of logic and ration into my off kiltered thought process telling me that life is not always filled with butterflies and rainbows.

Back to consistency, and I promise this all has a point. Whether it's gall bladder surgery, injury, unemployment, a death in the family, a hectic work schedule, overwhelming family obligations, or what seems like paralyzing fatigue if we are not consistent then that big audacious dear to dream big ginormous goal will remain out of sight and a mere silly thought of possible accomplishment that hangs over our heads for the rest of our lives. My brother taught me that you don't have to win every fight, but make sure your opponent walks away just as tired, bruised and bloody as you are. I'm not promoting physical violence, however I want you all to find your inner fighter. Enter the ring on our toes. Allow that nervous and anxious energy to fuel your punches. First, have a plan. Second, devise a strategy. Third, train each day. Be consistent. Think about this. We are all practicing consistency every day; however is it the consistency that will get you within reach of your big audacious dear to dream big ginormous goal? We can be positively consistent or detrimentally consistent. It's a choice.

Consistent action produces consistent results. Are they the results you are working for? Are you putting forth the necessary effort that will create the life you crave to live? We all will be interrupted several times in our lives. It's what you do about it that will determine where you go in life and how YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF.

Step into the ring, put your gloves on, and become a fighter...with consistency in your corner.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH, I'm so sorry. I hope you get your broth-less lunch, and I wish you a speedy recovery!!!