I am a fitness junkie, a sneaker connoisseur, a lover of anything pink, a daily you tube user, and a certified personal trainer and group x instructor. It is my mission to show each client, gym member and class participant just what their bodies can do. My fitness philosophy is focused around "What can your body do?", changing the focus from what we look like to how our bodies perform and function. The Fitness with a Purpose Newsletter and Blog is a place where you can find tips, tools, and tactics on how to make fitness a lifestyle and maximize each workout and meal to enable you to become as fit and healthy as possible. This is also a place where I share my personal experiences with my own fitness and quest to see just what my body can do when I set a goal and do what ever is possible to achieve that goal. Consistent action produces consistent results!

Friday, March 18, 2011


March fashion magazines are flooding our mailboxes and the 2011 spring style trends are hitting our favorite boutiques and the popular clothing stores. Snow covered streets and slushy sidewalks are being reported less in our weather forecasts. Seventy degree weather is just around the corner, time to trade in the cold weather parka for a heather gray wrap around sweater and reorganize our closets, shifting the winter attire to the back to reveal the more colorful pieces of our spring wardrobe. As we anticipate peeling away the layers of once needed warmth, short sleeve ruffled tees and bright spring dresses not only reveal a need for sunshine to bronze our skin, but the less fabric that adorns our bodies the more we are confronted with the reflection in the mirror that does not hide the effects of cold weather comfort food and suspended physical activity due to snow days.

It is time to spring into shape! Similar to the trendy necklace that we use to polish off a cute outfit, a fit and trim physique that radiates feminine strength and unwavering confidence can be the perfect accessory that catapults an outfit to photo worthy status. Though we are all brilliantly fabulous in our own ways, not all of us are genetically gifted from the womb with tip top physical fitness. A healthy and toned body requires a considerable amount of effort and attention to detail in the areas of exercise and nutrition. Consistent action produces persistent results. Establishing a consistent exercise and nutrition game plan is the key to successfully springing into shape.

As a personal trainer I am a firm believer that if you like a particular kind of physical activity you will continue to do it. If you do not, you will be more likely to skip out on a workout for happy hour or cheesy pepperoni pizza than lace up your shoes and sweat. No matter how defined your goal is – even if the new cute bikini that you paid a little too much money for hangs directly in front of you every morning as you get ready for work – if you are not looking forward to pushing pass your current physical capabilities to achieve noteworthy, eye catching results you will most likely fall short of your goal due to inconsistent action. Choose an activity that keeps you coming back for more, a challenging workout that incorporates both cardiovascular and muscular strength. Commit to get fit at least four days a week for 20- 60 minutes, depending on the effort and intensity level. You don’t have to dream about exercise – this may not be possible for most of the general population – but one of the important aspects to maintaining consistency is enjoying your choice of physical activity. The fitness industry is constantly evolving; therefore we are blessed with an array of options to meet each person’s individual needs, goals, skill levels, and desired intensity level.

Nutrition is a fundamental component of the fitness equation when in pursuit of a lean, strong, make your head turn physique. I do believe in the expression, “You are what you eat.” The consumption of high caloric foods on a regular basis will eventually stare directly back at you when in front of a mirror and make bathing suit shopping an annual event that you avoid like the plague. The truth is nutrition is 80% of the fitness equation. You can be consistent with your workouts each week; however if you are not cognizant of your daily nutrition and ingest unhealthy food on a regular basis the truth of digested consumption will inevitably make your spring wardrobe snug and uncomfortable. I suggest the 80/20 rule; consume clean, fresh, whole foods at least 80% of the day. Remember that your choice of food is essentially your choice of fuel that will enable your body to perform at work, home, and during your exercise routine. I recommend preparing snacks and meals for the day so you will not find yourself unarmed with proper nutrition, and then starving while standing in front of a buffet. Lack of preparation will result in poor food choices when your blood sugar dips below an optimal functioning level. Pay close attention to portion sizes as well, not only when you prepare your meals but especially when you dine out. You can overindulge in healthy food just as much as you do with the occasional treats or restaurant visit. The palm of your hand is the best guide for most individual portions. Though smaller than what we are use to, paying close attention to proper portion sizes will undoubtedly contribute to a sleeker waist line.

Spring into shape this season with a consistent exercise and nutrition game plan. Choose an activity that gets your blood flowing, heart pumping, and cheeks hurting from thorough enjoyment. Eat to fuel. Fuel to move. Move to burn. And don’t forget to smile for the cameras!

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