I am a fitness junkie, a sneaker connoisseur, a lover of anything pink, a daily you tube user, and a certified personal trainer and group x instructor. It is my mission to show each client, gym member and class participant just what their bodies can do. My fitness philosophy is focused around "What can your body do?", changing the focus from what we look like to how our bodies perform and function. The Fitness with a Purpose Newsletter and Blog is a place where you can find tips, tools, and tactics on how to make fitness a lifestyle and maximize each workout and meal to enable you to become as fit and healthy as possible. This is also a place where I share my personal experiences with my own fitness and quest to see just what my body can do when I set a goal and do what ever is possible to achieve that goal. Consistent action produces consistent results!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Improve your health with these fitness tips and fun facts

1. 1lb of muscle burns 6 calories a day vs. 1lb of fat which burns 2 calories a day

2. A 130lb woman can burn approximately 354 calories during a 45 minute session of stair sprinting

3. A 130lb woman can burn approximately 186 calories during 30 minutes of vigorous weight training.


5. A waist circumference of more than 35 inches means you may be at risk for developing heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.

6. 20-30 = percentage by which your annual health care costs could increase if you have a large waist circumference versus a small waist circumference

7. Consume 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes following a weight workout to promote muscle-protein synthesis.

8. Shape your booty for that swimsuit: Lunges, squats, and bench step ups will be your best friend in the gym when it's time to give your back side a lift. Do 3 sets of 12 reps for each exercise. A set of 8-12lb dumbbells will be just what you need to burn fat, build muscle, and lift your booty.

9. Get a tight and toned waist! Hello side plank raise. This exercise targets the internal and external obliques as well as the transverse abdominis. Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps on each side.

10. Loose Fat and Gain Strength: Get the most of your results
Weight training: 3-5xs a week, 30-60 minutes
Cardiovascular training: 3-5xs week, 35-70 minutes

11. A workout that combines both cardio and resistance training will boost your metabolism's after burn effect to up to 48 hours.

12. Nutrition is 80% of the fitness equation.

13. 73= percentage of American Adults who say they don't do more to achieve a balanced diet because they don't want to give up their favorite foods.

14. 92 = percentage of adults and teens that cite lack of time as the top reason they eat fast food

15. 425 = number of calories in a bacon, egg and cheese breakfast taco = approximately 5 miles of running

16. 296 = number of calories in one slice of apple pie = 45-60 minutes of vigorous weight training

17. 120= number of minutes on average it takes me to prepare 5 days of meals and snacks for the week.

18. Clean eating = lean protein, complex carbohydrates, green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, and lots of water. Limit processed foods that are high in sugar, salt, fat, and white flour.

19. Decrease the appearance of cellulite by limiting your consumption of sugar, salt, fat, coffee, and alcohol and increasing your water intake to at least 10 glasses of water a day.


Source: Oxygen Magazine and about-exercise.com

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