This week a close co-worker of mine found out some devastating news about her father's health. It was pretty much out of the blue: he's an athlete, an avid outdoor person, and in pretty good health. She is the strong girl. I have never seen her emotional at work, unlike myself who could cry at the drop of a hat on some days. So this week I knew something was wrong and when I heard what was going on I pretty much dropped my soul on the ground.
I will save the details, but just know that a 17% survivor rate will force anyone to stop everything they think is important at that moment, call their loved ones, and make sure each and everyone knows that they are loved and thought about. As I listened more about the diagnosis, I couldn't help think about if I was doing everything I wanted to do if tomorrow was my last day. Hell no!
My twin sister is now in Iraq and writes about how she can't sleep because she hears war going on every late night. She speaks the truth about the war over seas..... the horror, the fright, the reality of what's happening to a city that is in constant battle. Again, this will make you think about what's really important in life and not just that last 5-10lbs I would like to lose around my mid-section.
I called my mother the other day after hearing about the grave news of my co-worker's father. She said you have to live life as if it matters. Wow! How profound. Then she said, "Go and have that chocolate sundae today because you never know if it will be your last."
Sobering words when faced with the reality of life.
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