Five days now on the 21 Day Challenge with Mels Meals and Pure Austin. I am analytical by nature, a deep thinker as well, and I am always thinking there's a lesson in every experience. So this Challenge is no different.
First, I love the fact that everything is portioned for me, cooked for me, easy to heat up, and designed to help me lose a few pounds. Mels Meals does a great job at getting the meals ready for pick up and the staff is super helpful and friendly. They want us to be successful. The food is tasty as well....and that's the point right! The variety is good for me. I will admit though that I have always been a simple eater. Well maybe not when I was Vegan for several years, but I stick with your basic lean protein, veggies, and sweet potato combo. The other day I had Chicken curry with eggplant, spaghetti and meatballs, and fruit and yogurt. Wow! Totally not what I would normally have. I have to train my mind to want to eat the different options.
Second, I have energy and I can tell I am being nourished. I'm rarely hungry. I use to want to eat everything in site around 7:30pm when I got home from work. Now my blood sugar is balanced. There's so much fiber in these meals -so my tummy needs to get a bit use to it - but it's helping me stay full longer. This helps calms the desire to snack on empty calories.
The challenge with the 21 Day Challenge are the social dinners with friends. So this is where I admit that I AM NOT PERFECT. I believe I am not alone here. Isn't this a familiar struggle with most when it comes to eating clean and lean and staying on the plan designed to help us lose weight? Wow! I started to think about the extra calories you consume when having a cocktail and snacks with the girls. I love this time though, however now I know that the dinner with friends for sure can sabotage anyone's quest for fitness. The beauty of Mels Meals is that you know how many calories you are eating. I'm going out on a limb here: last night I didn't know. I admit it. I am not perfect. When I woke up this morning I knew that I have to go to the gym and work extra hard burning those calories off. The catch is that I cannot workout intensely and cardio is a long lost love of mine. Haha, that's why my thighs are looking differently. Again, the light has been turned on and it's very bright in my world. (In need of shade please.....)
Yesterday was a difficult day for me emotionally. I'm sure you can relate to relationship break up blues. Some days are good. Some days are not so good. Yesterday it was confirmed once again that I totally emotionally eat. ( Yes, I had malt balls too...and temporary shame...insert #@$%^& here) I also cried at Physical Therapy as well for it's so beautiful out and I miss running and I just want to play outside without worry of hip issues. So it's habit to reach for chocolate to ease the pain. (Hmmmm.....it's only getting brighter.)
I admit my faults here to you so you find comfort in the fact that you are not alone in your struggle to cope with life and stay committed to your exercise game plan. I have used food to help me cope since I have been injured. Before May, I would run when I needed clarity. Now I watch Grey's Anatomy, 24, and What not to wear and EAT. (Putting on shades now....)
I am not one to have guilt or shame for a long time. I don't believe in this. Life is just too short. So today I will walk for my prescribed 10 minutes and do my little PT workout, eat what is planned for me, and make sure I eat before the 3 birthday parties I am attending today. I also will call my Pops and chat about life. This hopefully will keep my hands out of the malt balls.
Just because you may stray from the paved path for a bit does not mean you cannot find your way again.......
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