When I arrived at Physical Therapy on Friday I was frustrated with my body. After 60 days of improvement one misstep in class- actually a jump I should have never done - made my hip feel the way it did when I first walked into Miss Christine's office. Admittedly I was so pissed at myself. I so know better. I am not allowed to jump! I got a bit carried away with the endorphins and the music and my kick butt students. I wanted to play with everyone. Being "injured" is a pain in my booty!
Miss Christine knew something was wrong. Also, travel can really set you back as well. Not only are you not sleeping in your bed, but the plane ride alone is a recipe for disaster. Let's just say my doc had her work cut out for her.
Training - whether its physical therapy or personal training - is 80-90% mental. You have to believe that you will get better or that you will lose the weight. You have to have faith that you are taking the necessary steps towards success. You need to understand that one mistake is not the end of the world. One slip up on your nutrition or one missed workout does not mean you are a failure! When I have not been emotionally fit, I find that I do not feel physically fit. There is something to say about the mind/body connection.
With the holidays coming up and it being a bit chillier in the morning, our nutrition and fitness game plans will be challenged. Cocktail parties, treats at work, and those days where you want to stay under the covers may interrupt a routine you have worked hard at sticking with. Guilt and shame may creep up on you.
Since I have been on the 21 Day Challenge with Mels Meals I have had several moments of shame. I just love peanut butter malt balls and when I was feeling crappy and sorry for myself Friday they definitely soothed my soul for a few moments. (Noticed I said a few moments.) However, shame is a terrible feeling and it's quite frankly wasted energy. Life is just too short to fret over a few malt balls.
This holiday season it is my goal to have less guilt and shame. I wish this for you as well. Don't you think we have enough pressure already in our lives? Exercise and nutrition should not be another thing we are not good at!
So my friends, this is what I suggest. Commit to four workouts a week that combine both cardiovascular and resistance training. Make these workouts non-negotiable and make them fit within your schedule of holiday parties and cold morning sleep in time. Eat lean protein and complex carbohydrates before you attend a party. This will prevent those extra calorie binges that are so prevalent at gatherings. Drink one glass of water in between each cocktail that you consume. Not only will you be preventing a nasty hangover but you may find you drink less, which means you will consume less calories. My last suggestion, don't be so hard on yourself. Celebrate life. Give thanks for all of your blessings. Know that you are not less of a person because you missed a workout or drank the entire bottle of wine.
We are perfectly imperfect, beautiful people. We have no place for guilt or shame in our lives. Let's toast to that!
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