The mental game:
"Catch yourself when you fall into the trap of insisting that things be better - or that you look better, or do better, or that others act differently - before you allow yourself to be happy."
As 2011 approaches take a moment to reflect back on your 2010 fitness game plan. Please do this without judgment and negative criticism. As I have learned from my current injuries and my past approach to working out, there's always room for improvement and change. This is the benefit of personal reflection. It is an opportunity to take a look at what worked, what did not work, and what you can do to see more results. Your personal fitness will constantly evolve. There will be times when you are unstoppable, where you feel fit and strong every day when you wake up. Then there will be those times when you just can't get it together and missing workouts and eating junk have become the norm. Though it's a constant ebb and flow, making fitness a lifestyle is a step by step process that relies on your ability to see when change needs to take place. As we move forward into the new year ask yourself these six questions:
1. Am I satisfied with my current fitness level and what will I do this year differently to be healthier and more fit?
2. How will I make my fitness a priority this year?
3. What can I do to improve my daily nutrition?
4. What do I need to do to be more happy and confident with my body that I have not been doing in this past year?
5. How can I be more productive and successful in reaching my fitness goals?
6. What is the one Achilles heal that is preventing me from living a healthy and fit life?
Take a moment to reflect on the above questions. Remember "incremental changes create monumental movements."
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