I am a fitness junkie, a sneaker connoisseur, a lover of anything pink, a daily you tube user, and a certified personal trainer and group x instructor. It is my mission to show each client, gym member and class participant just what their bodies can do. My fitness philosophy is focused around "What can your body do?", changing the focus from what we look like to how our bodies perform and function. The Fitness with a Purpose Newsletter and Blog is a place where you can find tips, tools, and tactics on how to make fitness a lifestyle and maximize each workout and meal to enable you to become as fit and healthy as possible. This is also a place where I share my personal experiences with my own fitness and quest to see just what my body can do when I set a goal and do what ever is possible to achieve that goal. Consistent action produces consistent results!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Turn Disappointment into Development

My dear friend, Miss Caitlyn Macaluso, beautifully reminded me the other day via a heart felt video blog that when disappointment hits you right upside the head, the best way to deal with it is to hit back! She also - with amazing integrity - admitted that she had to have a come to Jesus talk with herself and take responsibility for her part in the disappointment. She asked, "Did I do everything I could have done?" The answer, though could have been justified to no end in defense, was an honest admission of the realization that she could have done better. This is why she will be successful. To possess the ability to admit fault and take responsibility....absolutely priceless.

Have you had a "come to Jesus" talk with yourself lately about your fitness and nutrition?

My first experience with a "come to Jesus" talk was in the restaurant business. My manager's name was Mickey and when he called you to the office with this distinct stern voice you could recognize no matter how loud and busy it was in your section, you knew you were going to have to sit down eye to eye and listen to constructive criticism that would not be delivered in the tone of voice you needed in that moment of getting your head chewed off for not performing at his expected caliber. The first few talks we had I left in tears, angry as hell, and threatened to give my notice several times. Then one co-worker said to me, "If he didn't care and didn't want you to stay, he would not take the time to help you improve." What an Ah Ha moment!

Maturity is necessary when personal growth is at stake. The poor me, I cannot believe he said that attitude is completely destructive if growth is at the forefront of your mind. Acceptance of the truth is far more productive than throwing a temper tantrum and living in outright denial.

So I will ask the question again, "Have you had a "come to Jesus talk" with yourself lately about your fitness and nutrition game plan?"

I have lost 15lbs since the beginning of January. When I stepped on the scale and saw the number I first stepped off, then stepped back on. I made sure that there were no hidden cameras and that the scale was not broken. After several weigh ins I finally had to believe the number. I looked in the mirror and asked myself, "Where was it?" The answer stared me directly in the face. The cellulite on my thighs that has given me a complex for the past 3 years is now barely an issue. Since I have been running long distance I now have leaner muscularity versus the bulging quads that made jean shopping a nightmare. My waist is significantly smaller and I now have my arms back! (Oh, have I missed you my dear deltoids.) My booty, though always my best asset according to my friends, is now smaller in size and in shape.

As I stood looking at myself in the mirror this is what I thought:

1. The power of consistency! Now that I am not injured and able to workout look what has happened!(I now run at least 4xs a week, lift weights 2xs a week, and I teach 6 classes a week. MY WORKOUTS HAVE BECOME A MAJOR PRIORITY AND I NOW BLOCK THEM OUT IN MY MASTER TRAINING SCHEDULE.)

2. Nutrition is everything! (It has been almost 3 months since I have had a dessert, a soda, or a malt ball. I also eat 60% cleaner than I did last year.)

3. I am happy. (Last year - with the injuries, my parent's health, my sister's deployment, and the rocky relationship I was in - my physical body was definitely effected by my emotional health.)

4. I'm doing the work. (Achieving the results I desire requires unwavering commitment, dedication and consistency.)

Are you doing everything you can to achieve the results you desire? Are you exercising frequently and intensely? Are you eating 80% clean, limiting your intake of sugar, salt, and processed food? Are you getting adequate rest and minimizing the effects of stress?

Take a moment today to have a "come to Jesus" talk with yourself. Listen carefully! Be open minded. Act with integrity........ and turn disappointment into personal development.


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